Wisconsin caregivers ratify union contract

Workers at United Pioneer Home, a long-term care facility in Luck, Wis., have ratified their first union contract, United Food & Commercial Workers Local 1189 announced.

Employees voted for union representation in March 2015, the same day Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker signed so-called “right to work” legislation that limits worker rights. Nonetheless, the workers continued their efforts to get a fair contract, the union said.

“The braveness of the workers to stand up and demand respect from their employer in the face of such adversity is a testament to the strength of these new union members,” said Jennifer Christensen, secretary-treasurer of Local 1189, who helped negotiate the agreement.

“We applaud the resolve of these hardworking folks who provide the most personal of care to our most vulnerable family members.

“The desire to attract and retain permanent employees in order to provide the best quality of care possible for their residents was always a focus for the caregivers on the union negotiating committee.

“The ability to improve one’s workplace is a powerful thing and will be a benefit not only to the workers, but to the people who call the facility home.”

Key issues in the talks were fair treatment, higher wages, guaranteed wage progressions, improved leave benefits and dignity on the job, the union said.

Local 1189 represents approximately 10,000 workers in retail, manufacturing, and healthcare industries.

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